Individual Computers, Germany
A2000, A3000, A4000

clock port
Zorro II
Autoconfig ID
4626 / 7
    serial interface
  • 460800 bps transfer speed
  • 16 byte FIFO buffer
  • MIDI compatible
  • DB9 serial connector
    parallel interface
  • 16 byte FIFO buffer
  • supports ECP mode (extended capabilities port)
  • DB25 parallel connector
  • can be installed in three ways:
    • into a Zorro II slot
    • to the 26 pin expansion port of a Buddha, Buddha Flash, Catweasel Z2, ISDN Surfer, X-Surf or another VarIO (Hypercom, ISDN-Blaster and Highway are incompatible)
    • to a clock port - only possible with a special version of the VarIO that is only manufactured on order (the difference is the voltage level converter)
      • clock port pin 40 is marked
  • if installed into a Zorro II slot the clock port or the 26 pin expansion port (only one of them at a time) can be used for expanding the VarIO
    • clock port allows using expansions initially designed for the clock port of the A1200
    • when installed in Zorro slot, pin 40 of the card's clock port is towards the front side of the computer, pin 19 resp. pin 1 towards the rear side
    • marked wire of clock port expansions go to pin 19 or pin 40, depending on the manufacturer's definition - e.g. expansions made by Individual Computers are installed with the red stripe on pin 40 (to the left), expansions of E3B mark pin 19 / pin 1 (to the right)
Individual Computers VarIO -  front side
front side
Individual Computers VarIO -  back side
back side
  • vario.lha
    Individual Computers
    install disk v37.19
    163 kB
    Individual Computers
    Update of the SetupVarIO for A500 Users
    14 kB