PreVue Technologies, USA
A2000, A3000, A4000
RGB port
  • allows the use of multisync monitors while the Amiga is in genlock mode
  • in genlock mode the horizontal and vertical sync signals are set to 7.8 kHz on the Amiga video port - these signals are not used by single scan monitors, but are required for multiscan monitors
  • when the Sync Strainer senses a genlock condition (as when the Video Toaster is started), it creates new H- and V-sync's from Composite sync
  • acts as a simple buffer for H- and V-sync when the Amiga puts out 15.7 kHz or 31.4 kHz horizontal scan rate
  • automatically switches between the various scan modes
  • a 2" × 3" × 1/2" module which connects to the 23 pin RGB connector
  • available with DB9 or HD15 VGA output connectors
  • works with any genlock which does not use the 23 pin RGB port
  • the Sync Strainer is not a scandoubler, the analog RGB signal is passed through unchanged
PreVue Technologies Sync Strainer - Exterior top side
Exterior, top side
PreVue Technologies Sync Strainer - Case opened top side
Case opened, top side