Peter Biet Computerdesign, Deutschland
jeder Amiga
Nur englische Beschreibung vorhanden:

  • composite input and output (2× RCA)
  • Y/C input and output (2× mini-DIN)
  • transcoding between composite and Y/C
  • the input source has to be selected manually by a switch
  • colour adjustment knob for the incoming video signal
  • brightness, contrast, red, green and blue adjustment knobs for the combined video signal
  • keyed mode - colour zero is transparent, all others float above the live video backdrop
  • inverse keyed mode - colour zero is solid, all other colours produce holes
  • two sliders for independent fading of computer and video image, and for wipe effects
  • vertical, horizontal and diagonal wipes
  • timer knob for setting the duration of automatic effects - can be adjusted during effects for dynamic results
  • colour bar generator
  • blackburst generator for recording Amiga graphics without incoming video signal
  • built in automatic color splitter for Deluxe View and DigiView Gold
    • both can be installed internally or externally, to the internal or external DB25 parallel port
    • the Digi-Gen has to be connected to the Amiga's parallel and joystick ports
    • when the the digitizer is installed internally, the external DB25 port acts as a parallel passthrough port - the DI/PR switch selects between the digitizer and passthrough
    • when installed outside, the digitizer is fed with composite video signal through the DI output connector (RCA)
  • internal power supply
Peter Biet Computerdesign Digi-Gen -  Oberseite
Peter Biet Computerdesign Digi-Gen -  Rückseite
Peter Biet Computerdesign Digi-Gen - Gehäuse geöffnet Oberseite
Gehäuse geöffnet, Oberseite

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