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7 expansions found
Manufacturer C-Ltd., USA | Date 1988 | Amiga A1000
| Interface side expansion port
| Autoconfig ID 1004 / 12
SCSI controller
- AMD 5380 controller IC
- uses polled I/O transfers
- does not autoboot, reads CLtd.device from floppy
- DB25 external SCSI connector
- 50 pin internal SCSI header - but there is no space for mounting a hard disk inside the case
- A-Max II driver (cltd.amhd)
front side
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Manufacturer C-Ltd., USA | Date 1987 | Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000
| Interface Zorro II
| Autoconfig ID 1004 / 12
SCSI controller
- AMD 5380 controller IC
- uses polled I/O transfers
- does not autoboot, reads CLtd.device from floppy
- DB25 external SCSI connector
- 50 pin internal SCSI header - but there is no space for mounting a hard disk on the card
- A-Max II driver (cltd.amhd)
- two screw holes to mount a SCSI-to-MFM converter card
front side
with SCSI-MFM converter, front side
back side
Manufacturer CardCo / C-Ltd., USA | Date 1986 | Amiga A1000
| Interface side expansion port
| Autoconfig ID 1004 / 245
- 32 DIP sockets for 1 MB RAM
- 256k×1, 150 ns DIPs
- the memory is autoconfigured under KickStart 1.2
- Intel C8208 DRAM controller
- all components are socketed
- connects to the side expansion port
- optional passthrough connector - multiple aMEGA boxes can be connected together
- early versions were buggy and generated too much wait-states, performing slower than Chip RAM - cutting a trace and soldering a wire fixes it
front side
front side
PCB, front side
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Manufacturer C-Ltd., USA | Date 1989 | Amiga A500
| Interface trapdoor slot, Gary socket
- 16 DIP sockets
- 512 kB with 256k×1 DIPs
- 2 MB with 256k×4 DIPs
- connects to the trapdoor slot
- the 2 MB version is supplied with a Gary adaptor
- battery backed up clock
front side
back side
Manufacturer C-Ltd., USA | Date 1989 | Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000
| Interface Zorro II
| Autoconfig ID 1004 / 4 2050 / 4
SCSI controller
- AMD 5380 controller IC
- dual-buffered pseudo-DMA design
- autoboot ROM - autobooting requires Kickstart 1.3
- place for two 3.5" hard disks on the card (on both sides)
- 50 pin internal header
- DB25 external connector
- supports SCSI network sharing
front side
back side
front side
back side
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Manufacturer C-Ltd., USA | Date 1989 | Amiga A1000
| Interface side expansion port
| Autoconfig ID 1004 / 4 2050 / 4
SCSI controller
- AMD 5380 controller IC
- dual-buffered pseudo-DMA design
- autoboot ROM - autobooting requires Kickstart 1.3
- has a 50 pin internal header but there is no space for a drive inside the case
- DB25 external connector
- supports SCSI network sharing
- passthrough connector
front side
back side