Manufacturer “RCS Management”
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Manufacturer RCS Management, Canada | Date 1991 | Amiga A2000
| Interface CPU slot
- 68040 @ 25 / 28 / 35 MHz
- the latter two versions are overclocked from 25 / 33 MHz
memory - 25 and 28 MHz versions
- eight 30 pin SIMM sockets accept up to 32 MB
- supports 1 or 4 MB SIMMs, 80 ns or faster
- accepts SIMMs in groups of four giving 4, 8, 16, 20, 32 MB RAM
memory - 35 MHz version
- eight 30 pin SIMM sockets accept up to 128 MB
- supports 1, 4 or 16 MB SIMMs, 80 ns or faster
- accepts SIMMs in groups of eight
- 64 bit interleaved memory system
- supports burst RAM access
incompatibilities under Kickstart 1.3
- doesn't work with Commodore A2090a, Microbotics Hardframe and M.A.S.T. Fireball
- needs the latest ROMs of Supra Series III and AdSCSI in order to work with them
- needs rev. 6.6 ROMs of A2091 and rev. 3.12 ROMs of GVP Series II in order to work with them
- doesn't work with the 16 bit RAM on IVS Grandslam - only the SCSI part of Grandslam works
incompatibilities under Kickstart 2.0
- doesn't work with A2090, A2090a and Fireball
- doesn't work with the Piccolo graphics card
- disable switch - 68000 fallback mode
- two 32 bit expansion connectors - intended for a never released SCSI controller
- Kickstart 3.x is supported only by upgrading to version 3.4 of the Plug-n-Go ROMs
- the first 68040 board for the Amiga
Rev 1.0, front side
Rev 1.0, back side
Rev 2.0, front side
Rev 2.0, back side
Rev 2.0, front side
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- memory accelerator for Commodore's A3640 processor card
- connects to A3640's 68040 socket
- 68040 @ 25 / 33 MHz
- the board was available with an empty CPU socket to put the A3640's 68040 into it
- four 72 pin SIMM sockets accept 128 MB RAM
- supports 4, 8, 16, 32 MB
- burst mode and 64 bit interleaved RAM access
- does not work together with the A4091 and Fastlane Z3 DMA SCSI controllers (regardless of Buster revision)
- does not work in the A4000T because of its onboard A4091
front side
on A3640, front side
front side
back side
front side
back side
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