Manufacturer “PreVue Technologies”
3 expansions in database
PreVue Technologies, USA
A2000, A3000, A4000
    delay distribution amplifier
  • provides buffered input video in time with Toaster Program output video
  • Key signal access to provide independent feeds of Key signals for use in downstream video equipment
  • provides direct support for InnoVision's Montage and AlphaPaint programs, exporting linear key (alpha) channel signals
  • extra Program/Preview buffers for driving monitors, VTRs, and other equipment
  • five video buffer amplifiers, three with delay lines
  • the buffers are strappable between Program output, Preview output, Inputs 1-4, Key source signal, and Key Insert video
  • the board cables into the Video Toaster feature connectors, it uses none of the six external BNCs
  • the delay lines can be strapped for a wide range of delay and adjusted for unity gain
  • factory set for delayed output of Input 4, Key Insert, and Key Source - can be configured with soldered straps
  • all delay channels (outputs A, B, and C) are factory aligned for unity gain and a delay of 440 ns, the typical delay of a Video Toaster
  • outputs D and E have no delay lines and are intended as additional Program and Preview outputs
  • output D is always a Program output, exactly the same as the Video Toaster's Program output, though with a slight delay (~20 ns) due to the additional circuitry
  • output E can be easily jumpered for either Program or Preview out
  • outputs D and E do have overall gain adjustments located at the top edge of the BreadBoard
  • the three delay channels (A, B, C) are capable of delaying any of seven signals: Toaster Inputs 1 through 4, internal Toaster Key Source (the "alpha" channel), internal Toaster Key Insert, and Toaster Preview out
  • the Key Insert signal is the direct output of one of the framebuffers, DV1 and DV2 - it is not viewable on a picture monitor as it lacks composite sync, it is only suitable as a key source
  • it is possible to install two BreadBoards into one system - the 16 wire ribbon cable has dual connectors on one end to facilitate this, the 10 wire ribbon cable need only connect to the BreadBoard that is strapped for Key Source
  • when two BreadBoards are ordered direct from VueTech, one will be set for Inputs 1, 2 and 3 and the other set for Input 4 and the two Key signals
  • five "Gain" potentiometers on top of the BreadBoard allow gain adjustment of the output signals
  • three "Delay" potentiometers allow fine delay adjustment of the output signals
  • High Frequency Compensation - a trimmer is provided on each delay channel to adjust high frequency response
  • the chroma level on the Program output of some Video Toasters is approximately 5% low - the BreadBoard may be modified to restore the chroma level to full level on the Toaster Program output of the BreadBoard
PreVue Technologies BreadBoard -  front side
front side

PreVue Technologies, USA
A2000, A3000, A4000
RGB port
  • allows the use of multisync monitors while the Amiga is in genlock mode
  • in genlock mode the horizontal and vertical sync signals are set to 7.8 kHz on the Amiga video port - these signals are not used by single scan monitors, but are required for multiscan monitors
  • when the Sync Strainer senses a genlock condition (as when the Video Toaster is started), it creates new H- and V-sync's from Composite sync
  • acts as a simple buffer for H- and V-sync when the Amiga puts out 15.7 kHz or 31.4 kHz horizontal scan rate
  • automatically switches between the various scan modes
  • a 2" × 3" × 1/2" module which connects to the 23 pin RGB connector
  • available with DB9 or HD15 VGA output connectors
  • works with any genlock which does not use the 23 pin RGB port
  • the Sync Strainer is not a scandoubler, the analog RGB signal is passed through unchanged
PreVue Technologies Sync Strainer - Exterior top side
Exterior, top side
PreVue Technologies Sync Strainer - Case opened top side
Case opened, top side

PreVue Technologies, USA
A2000, A3000, A4000
    sync generator
  • designed to advance the sync reference signal for the Video Toaster so that the Toaster Program output signal will be in time with the sync reference signal
  • the sync reference can be either a standard Black Burst reference signal or any other stable test signal
  • separate subcarrier and horizontal adjustments are provided to establish SC/H phasing
  • a reference signal must be supplied to the Toast Timer - it is not designed to be used as a stand alone Black Burst generator and will not provide a proper signal without a reference input
  • includes a jumper that allows for extended range for use with other Video Toaster accessories such as Y/C interface boards
  • when the Toast Timer is used in conjunction with 1 or 2 BreadBoards feeding another downstream switcher, it is recommended that a Program output feed from one of the BreadBoards be connected as the Video Toaster input to the downstream switcher
PreVue Technologies Toast Timer -  front side
front side
PreVue Technologies Toast Timer -  front side
front side