the 48 bit mode means a 24 bit image with a 24 bit overlay
plugs into the 23 pin video port - it uses the four digital signals intended for digital TTY monitors (red, green, blue and intensity) to transfer image data to the board from Chip RAM
1.5 MB display memory (12 ZIPs)
can store up to four 24 bit colour frames at once
realtime animation of 4096 colour frames
the ColorBurst memory can be written by the Blitter
realtime horizontal and vertical scrolling
dynamic Amiga graphics overlay
supported fileformats: IFF24, IFF21, RGB8, TIFF, REND
when not displaying 24 bit images, it passes through the normal Amiga video
compatible with flicker-fixers but may have problems with certain genlocks (the Video Toaster requires modifications in order to work with the ColorBurst)
provides a total of 2.5 MB Chip RAM using bank-switching technique
works with 1 MB Fat Agnus and Kickstart 1.3 only
bank-switching is realized by software - blocks of memory can be switched between Chip and Fast RAM (or disabled) anytime, except for every vertical sync pulse