Manufacturer “Elaborate Bytes”
3 expansions in database
Elaborate Bytes, Germany
A500, A1000
A2000, A3000, A4000

side expansion port
Zorro II
    MFM controller
  • consists of MFM (OMTI 5520-B) or RLL (OMTI 5527-B) controller and an adaptor card
  • some MFM hard disks can be used with RLL controller, resulting in 50% higher capacity
  • cannot autoboot - by making the driver reset resistent, rebooting off hard disk is possible
  • supports FFS
  • supports expanded Amigas with processor card and 32 bit RAM
  • A-Max II driver (ALF.amhd)
  • A500 and A1000 versions:
    • both versions have different adaptor boards
    • plugs into side expansion port - no passthrough connector
    • no case (just the two naked boards)
    • does not provide power to the hard disk - it needs its own power supply
  • Zorro II version:
    • is a half length card
    • has no place for mounting a hard disk

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Elaborate Bytes / BSC, Germany
A500, A1000
A2000, A3000, A4000

side expansion port
Zorro II
Autoconfig ID
2049 / 1,2
2092 / 2
    ST506/412 or SCSI controller
  • A.L.F. 2 is a general hard disk driver software with 16 different hardware versions based on it
  • supports processor cards and does some optimizations for the better processors
  • handles drives up to 1 GB only
  • Model 1:
    • only ST506/412, either MFM or RLL
    • cannot autoboot - by making the driver reset resistent, rebooting off hard disk is possible
    • the Zorro II version is half length (only a Zorro - XT adaptor board), the metal hard disk mounting frame is optional
  • Model 2:
    • ST506/412 (either MFM or RLL) or SCSI
    • autoboot ROM - autobooting requires at least Kickstart 1.3
    • the Zorro II version is full length and has place for mounting a 3.5" hard disk
  • if a Model 1 and a Model 2 controller are installed in one Amiga at once, the Model 2 controls the Model 1 (autobooting is possible on both controllers)
  • the 16 versions of A.L.F. 2:
    • A2000 MFM - Model 1 & 2
    • A2000 RLL - Model 1 & 2
    • A2000 SCSI - only Model 2
    • A500 MFM (without casing) - only Model 1
    • A500 MFM (with casing) - Model 1 & 2
    • A500 RLL (without casing) - only Model 1
    • A500 RLL (with casing) - Model 1 & 2
    • A500 SCSI (with casing) - only Model 2
    • A1000 MFM (without casing) - only Model 1
    • A1000 MFM (with casing) - only Model 1
    • A1000 RLL (without casing) - only Model 1
    • A1000 RLL (with casing) - only Model 1
  • the A500 and A1000 versions connect to the side expansion port
  • those without case have no passthrough connector, the others have
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - Elaborate Bytes A.L.F. 2 (OMTI)  front side
Elaborate Bytes A.L.F. 2 (OMTI), front side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - Elaborate Bytes A.L.F. 2 (OMTI)  back side
Elaborate Bytes A.L.F. 2 (OMTI), back side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - Elaborate Bytes ALF 222C (SCSI)  front side
Elaborate Bytes ALF 222C (SCSI), front side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - Elaborate Bytes ALF 222C (SCSI)  back side
Elaborate Bytes ALF 222C (SCSI), back side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500  left side
BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500, left side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500 controller card front side
BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500 controller card, front side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500 controller card back side
BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500 controller card, back side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 2 - BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500 passthrough board front side
BSC A.L.F. 2 SCSI 500 passthrough board, front side

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Elaborate Bytes / BSC, Germany
A2000, A3000, A4000
Zorro II
Autoconfig ID
2046 / 3
2049 / 3
2092 / 3
    SCSI 2 controller
  • NCR 53C94 @ 25 MHz
  • does not use DMA but interrupt driven programmed I/O
  • 50 pin internal SCSI connector
  • DB25 external SCSI connector for both snap-in and screw-in connectors
  • place for a 3.5" hard disk on the card
  • autoboot ROM - autobooting requires at least Kickstart 1.3
  • RDB compatible
    two-ROM version (ALF 232C)
  • designed by Elaborate Bytes
  • after developing this card, Elaborate Bytes sold their entire hardware product range to BSC
  • jumper settings:
    • JumperConfigurationSetting
      J1KickstartON - Kickstart 1.2, OFF - Kickstart >= 1.3
      J2DeactivationDisable Controller
      ON ON ON - 0
      ON ON OFF - 1
      OFF OFF OFF - 7
      J6ParityON - No Parity Check, OFF - Parity Check
      J7LUNON - No LUN Control, OFF - LUN Control
      J8Disconnect/ReconnectON - No Disconnect/Reconnect allowed, OFF - Disconnect/Reconnect allowed
      J9, J10Login ScreenON ON - Login Screen disabled
      ON OFF - Login Screen by pressing F1
      OFF ON - Login Screen after every reset
      OFF OFF - Login Screen when no password is set (power up) or by pressing F1
      J11InterruptON - INT2, OFF - INT6
      J12Reset LevelON - Delete all control registers upon reset (test purposes)
      J13Bus TerminationON - 5V on Termination Power Line
    one-ROM version (Oktagon 2000)
  • designed by BSC
  • an Oktagon 2008 without RAM expansion
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 3 - BSC A.L.F. 3  front side
BSC A.L.F. 3, front side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 3 - BSC A.L.F. 3  back side
BSC A.L.F. 3, back side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 3 - Elaborate Bytes ALF 232C  front side
Elaborate Bytes ALF 232C, front side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 3 - Elaborate Bytes ALF 232C  back side
Elaborate Bytes ALF 232C, back side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 3 - BSC A.L.F. 3 (Oktagon 2000)  front side
BSC A.L.F. 3 (Oktagon 2000), front side
Elaborate Bytes / BSC A.L.F. 3 - BSC A.L.F. 3 (Oktagon 2000)  back side
BSC A.L.F. 3 (Oktagon 2000), back side

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