Company M-Tec, Germany | Date 1994 | Amiga A500
| Interface 68000 socket
| Autoconfig ID 2192 / 6
- 68020 or 68EC020 @ 14.28 MHz, PGA (synchronous with the Amiga)
- optional PLCC or PGA FPU @ 14.28 MHz (synchronous) or more with oscillator (asynchronous)
- one 72 pin SIMM socket accepts 1 or 4 MB RAM
- maprom can be disabled by jumper
- connects to the 68000's socket
- the 68000 is replaced onto the board
- not compatible with the GVP Impact Series hard disk controller
front side
back side
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1995-06 Advert (DE)
1995-06 Advert (DE)