Manufacturer Impulse, USA | Date 1990 | Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000
| Interface Zorro II
| Autoconfig ID 2104 / 0,1
- horizontal resolutions: 382, 512, 768, 1024
- vertical resolutions (NTSC): 241, 482
- 1 or 2 MB RAM
- DB23 RGB output connector (15.75 kHz only)
- DB15 passthrough connector
- unless the card is activated, the Amiga graphics is passed through
- in overlay mode colour zero of the Amiga screen is replaced with the Firecracker output
- double buffering
- optional SVHS module
- does not work with internal genlocks but works with many external genlocks
- three pots for adjusting the RGB video levels
- adjustment pots for genlock vertical positioning and genlock vertical timing
- supported by Imagine, ADPro, Turbo Silver 3, Sculpt Animate 3D, Vista Pro
front side
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