Company Petsoff, Finland | Date 1998 | Amiga A1200
| Interface clock port
- Motorola DSP56002 @ 37 (underclocked 40 MHz) or 73.7 MHz (overclocked from 66 MHz)
- 24 bit data bus
- fully programmable using the supplied software
- 96 kB, 24 bit SRAM
- one half of the memory can be addressed in program and X data space, the other half only in Y data space
- zero-waitstate, 12 ns
- Crystal CS4231A audio codec
- one stereo RCA input
- one stereo 3.5 mm input with optional 20 dB mic amplifier
- one internal CD-ROM input
- one stereo RCA output
- all inputs can be mixed with Delfina's output
- full duplex recording and playback
- AHI support
- connects to the clock port
- the audio cables are connected directly onto the board, not to the back of the Amiga
front side
back side