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1 expansion found

BSC, Germany
side expansion port
Autoconfig ID
2049 / 6
2092 / 6
    IDE controller
  • uses polled I/O, not DMA transfer
  • RDB compatible
  • 40 pin internal IDE header
  • place for a 3.5" hard disk inside the case
  • delivered with A.L.F. 2 driver software
  • during transfers the high and low bytes are swapped as the A600/A1200/A4000 and PCs do so the drives formatted with them can be handled by the AT-Bus 508
  • sixteen ZIP sockets accept 8 MB RAM
  • supports either static column or page mode ZIPs
  • accepts ZIPs in groups of four giving 2, 4, 6 or 8 MB configurations
  • connects to the side expansion port, no passthrough connector
  • RAM and HD can be disabled by switch on the back of the case
  • connector for the optional external power supply, though it can use power from the A500
BSC AT-Bus 508 - PCB front side
PCB, front side
BSC AT-Bus 508 - PCB back side
PCB, back side
BSC AT-Bus 508 - case front side
case, front side
BSC AT-Bus 508 - case left side
case, left side
BSC AT-Bus 508 - case right side
case, right side
  • BSC-HD.pdf
    Controller Hardware and Software Installation Manual (english/german)
    443 kB

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