Beschreibung getesteter Systeme
- "604e/233, 060/50" - PowerPC 604e @ 233 MHz und 68060 @ 50 MHz
- "882/50" - 68882 @ 50 MHz
- "OCS" - Original Chip Set
"ECS" - Enhanced Chip Set
- "3.1 in RAM" - Kickstart-Version 3.1, in das FastRAM verlagert
- "CGX" - CyberGraphX
"P96" - Picasso 96
- "I-FFS, 16k" - FastFileSystem, internationaler Modus, mit 16 kB Blockgröße
"DC-FFS, 512" - FastFileSystem, Verzeichnispufferung, mit 512 Byte Blockgröße "AFS" - AmiFileSafe "PFS" - ProFileSystem "HFS+" - MacOS Extended Hierarchic FileSystem
Beschreibung der Tests (englisch)
- Memory
- Every test moves 5 MB through a greatest possible buffer and counts the time for it.
- The first row shows the transfer speed with byte aligned buffer, the second with longword aligned (32 bit).
- A "-" means there's no Fast RAM installed in the tested system.
- Drive
- Every test writes/reads 5 times a 1 MB file to/from the harddisk and calculates the average speed. Performance depends on the fragmentation of the tested hard disk partition.
- A "-" means there's no hard disk installed in the tested system.
- Intuition / Graphics
- These tests measure the speed of the OS functions using the intuition.library and the graphics.library. Graphics card performance depends on the version of RTG software.
- The first row shows the graphics performance with a 8 bit screen (256 colours), the second row with 24 bit screen (16 million colours).
- A "-" means there's no graphics card installed in the tested system.
- This test measures the speed of the CPU/FPU to execute 10 Mio instructions.
- Note: There is no real method to test MIPS/MFLOPS, SysSpeed uses its own method and its results cannot be compared to those of other benchmark programs.
- A "-" means there's no coprocessor installed in the tested system (020, 030), or the processor has no functional floating point unit (LC040).
- PowerPC
- The MIPS/MFLOPS/Memory tests are conversions of the 68k versions.
- Note: The test works only with WarpOS because with PowerUp it`s not possible to run PowerPC code directly.
- A "-" means there's no PowerPC processor installed in the tested system.