BSC, Germany
side expansion port
    serial interface
  • two DB25 serial ports - one is mounted to the box, the other is hanging out on ribbon cable
  • up to 57600 bps transfer speed
  • the serial port on the ribbon cable does not deliver +/-12V, the other one does
  • the 31250 bps MIDI rate is supported only when the 3.686 MHz oscillator is replaced by 4 MHz - this disables the higher bitrates (57600, 33600, 19200)
  • disable switch
    SerialMaster 500+
  • uses 7,3728 MHz oscillator instead of 3.686 MHz thus offering 76800 and 115200 bps serial rates
  • MFS3 software
  • the SerialMaster 500 can be simply upgraded to 500+ with the new oscillator and software