extremely clean and reliable, broadcast quality device for overlaying titles and graphics with the Amiga
built-in system timing and controlled signal edges assure excellent performance upstream or downstream of the switcher
four genlocking modes
sync and burst lock - output video is referenced to the incoming video
burst lock - for editing systems that need to maintain correct SC/H phasing
sync lock - for laying computer graphics over a monochrome signal
internal reference
black burst generator
video mixer - capable of manual, automatic or software controlled transitions
adjustable fade rate, fade level, key level, key normal / invert, quick fade and auto fade to video or to graphics
consists of two cards, connected to each other with ribbon cables
Video Interface - goes to the video slot, the remote control box attaches to its DB25 connector
Encoder / Genlock - installs into an XT slot (takes power only), the breakout cable with four BNC connectors attaches to its DB9 port
uses the 4 bit digital signals of the video slot instead of the analog RGB signal other genlocks use - the board recreates the RGB signal on its own ensuring to meet all broadcast standards