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1 expansion found

Hertz Elektronik, Germany
A2000, A3000, A4000
Zorro II
Autoconfig ID
2145 / 32
  • Analog Devices ADV7120 RAMDAC
  • 80 MHz pixel clock
  • 1.5 MB, 30 ns dual-ported video RAM in twelve ZIP sockets
  • four additional sockets take 0.5 MB for alpha channel
  • takes 256k×4 VRAM ZIPs
    screen modes
  • 768×576×24 (PAL)
  • 768×476×24 (NTSC)
  • 8 bit alpha channel option
  • 15.75 kHz interlaced or 31.5 kHz non-interlaced modes selectable by jumper
  • video RAM is mounted in the Zorro II address space, ruling out 8MB RAM expansions
  • if populated to 2 MB, VRAM can be used as system Fast RAM
  • DB9 output connector
  • supports 'Sync on Green' (toggled by jumper)
  • can generate a white test screen for the Video-DAC (activated by jumper)
  • two EPROM sockets for custom driver software
  • not compatible with genlocks
  • the card was first distributed by Ingenieurbüro Helfrich, later by BSC (sold it as R2) and Omega Datentechnik (sold it as R-II)
Hertz Elektronik Rainbow II -  front side
front side
Hertz Elektronik Rainbow II -  back side
back side