Manufacturer “W.A.W. Elektronik”
13 expansions in database
- 1 MB chip RAM expansion
- plugs into the Agnus socket
- two clips are connected to Gary
- Agnus is replaced with Fat Agnus 8372B which allows a total of 2 MB chip RAM
- rules out internal 512 kB RAM expansions in A500 trapdoor slot
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Manufacturer W.A.W. Elektronik, Germany | Date 1992 | Amiga A500, A2000
| Interface Agnus socket, Gary socket
- 1 MB Chip RAM, 256k×4 ZIPs in eight sockets
- optional 2 MB Fast RAM, 1M×4 ZIPs in four sockets
- plugs into the Agnus socket
- with 1 MB Chip RAM only, two clips are connected to Gary
- with 2 MB Fast RAM, an adaptor board has to be connected to the Gary socket
- systems with only 512 kB Chip RAM have to be reworked
- memory autoconfiguration
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with Gary adaptor, front side
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1992-11 Advert (DE)
1993-02 Advert (DE)
1993-06 Advert (DE)
- 1 MB Chip RAM
- eight 256k×4 DIPs soldered on board
- connects to the trapdoor slot
Manufacturer W.A.W. Elektronik, Germany | Date 1992 | Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000
| Interface Zorro II
| Autoconfig ID 257 / 10
- 8 MB RAM soldered to board (sixteen 1M×4 chips)
- zero waitstates
- can be configured to use only 2, 4, or 6 MB in order to avoid possible conflicts with other cards
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Advert (DE)
1992-11 Advert (DE)
Manufacturer W.A.W. Elektronik, Germany | Date 1991 | Amiga A500
| Interface trapdoor slot, Gary socket
- 20 DIP sockets accept 2.5 MB RAM
- accepts 256k×4 DIPs (514256) in groups of four
- supports 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 or 2.5 MB configurations
- total RAM:
- 2.8 MB with Big Agnus 8372A (1 MB Chip RAM, 1.8 MB Fast RAM)
- 2.3 MB with Fat Agnus 8371 (0.5 MB Chip RAM, 1.8 MB Fast RAM)
- needs Kickstart 1.3 (with Kickstart 1.2 only 1.5 MB are possible)
- needs Gary adaptor above 1 MB total RAM
- fully autoconfiguring
- disable switch
- battery backed up clock
- connects to the trapdoor slot
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Manufacturer W.A.W. Elektronik, Germany | Date 1991 | Amiga A500+
| Interface Agnus socket, Gary socket
- 1 MB Chip RAM and 2 MB "Ranger RAM" expansion
- eight DIP sockets for 0.5 or 1 MB Chip RAM
- accepts 256k×4 DIPs
- four ZIP sockets for 0.5 or 2 MB RAM - the Amiga only recognizes 1.8 MB
- accepts 256k×4 or 1M×4 ZIPs
- Gary adaptor is supplied
- plugs into the Agnus socket, Agnus is replaced onto the board
- works together with 1 MB Chip RAM trapdoor expansions - in this case the DIP sockets have to be left empty
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- 512 kB RAM
- four 256k×4 DIPs soldered on board
- battery backed up clock
- connects to the trapdoor slot
- disable switch
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- 1 MB Chip RAM
- eight socketed 256k×4 DIPs
- connects to the trapdoor slot
- battery backed-up clock
- disable jumper
Manufacturer W.A.W. Elektronik, Germany | Date 1994 | Amiga CDTV
| Interface Agnus socket, Gary socket
- 1 MB Chip RAM expansion for a total of 2 MB - eight 256k×4 chips
- optional 2 MB Fast RAM expansion - four 1M×4 chips
- the RAM chips are soldered onto the board
- connects to the Fat Agnus' socket
- Fat Agnus is replaced with Super Agnus which allows a total of 2 MB chip RAM
- with 2 MB Fast RAM, an adaptor board has to be connected to the Gary's socket
- memory autoconfiguration
- chip puller was included with the package
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- provision for up to 8 MB ZIP RAM - earlier boards had sockets, later the ZIPs have to be soldered onto the board
- supports 1M×4 ZIPs
- accepts ZIPs in groups of four giving 2, 4, 6 or 8 MB configurations
- connects to the diagnostic slot
- can be installed together with the BigRAM CD
- disable jumper
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1993-06 Advert (DE)
Kickstart switcher
- allows the installation of two Kickstarts simultaneously - 1.3 / 2.0 / 3.1
- two ROM sockets
- connects to the Kickstart socket, the original Kickstart chip is placed onto the board
- external switch for selecting between Kickstarts
- designed to fit around other W.A.W. CDTV expansions
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SCSI controller
- AMD 33C93 clocked at 16 MHz
- connects to the DMA expansion slot
- fits completely into the case
- autoboot capability
- 50 pin internal SCSI header
- DB25 external SCSI connector
- disable switch
- RDB compatible
- no place for hard disk on the expansion itself, thus it has to be mounted on the internal RF shield
- no power connector, the HD gets connected to the power supply of the CD drive with a Y adaptor
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Advert (DE)
1993-02 Advert (DE)
1993-06 Advert (DE)
- 68020 @ 14.28 MHz PGA, clocked synchronously with the motherboard
- optional PGA FPU, from 68881 @ 14.28 MHz (synchronous) to 68882 @ 50 MHz (asynchronous, with separate oscillator)
- provides no memory expansion but it is shaped to fit around all other W.A.W. products including the BigRAM CD RAM expansions
- connects to the 68000 socket, the 68000 is replaced onto the board
- fast Kickstart ROM access
- a wire has to be connected to Gary chip (pin 26)
- processor cache disable jumper
- for BigRAM CD8 compatibility, a GAL (supplied) has to be exchanged on the CD8
- on some motherboard revisions, BigRAM CD8 and Turbo CD have to be connected by soldering a wire in order to have all Fast RAM of the CD8 available
- 68000 fallback mode, can be set by jumper
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