Manufacturer “Profex Electronics”
2 expansions in database
ST-506 controller
- supports only HDs with OMTI controller
- uses polled I/O, not DMA transfer
- autoboot ROM (omti55.device) - autobooting requires Kickstart 1.3
- place for a 3.5" hard disk inside the case
- hard disk activity LED
- connects to the side expansion port
- passthrough connector
- external power supply
- designed by Thomas Rudloff
with controller board, front side
without controller board, front side
back side
- HD3300.pdf
Bedienungsanleitung / german user manual
131 kB
Advert (DE)
Manufacturer Profex Electronics, Germany | Date 1988 | Amiga A500
| Interface side expansion port
| Autoconfig ID 211 / 0 221 / 42
- 64 DIP sockets with 2 MB RAM
- uses 1×256, 120 ns DIPs
- connects to the side expansion port
- passthrough connector
PCB, front side
Exterior, left side
Exterior, right side
Advert (DE)