Manufacturer “Message Computer”
2 expansions in database
Manufacturer Message Computer, Germany | Date 1988 | Amiga A500
| Interface side expansion port
ST-506 controller
- either RLL or MFM OMTI controller supplied, depending on the hard disk
- connects to the side expansion port
- large external disk case with integrated 150W power supply and space / cabling for two 3.5" hard disks
- 2 hard disk activity LEDs
- power outlet at back of disk case - power supply can be used to power the Amiga as well
- delivered with 10 MByte Public Domain programs
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- 512 kB RAM
- sixteen 256k×1 DIPs
- battery backed up clock
- connects to the trapdoor slot
- available as complete expansion, kit or just the bare board
- schematics and PCB layout printed in Amiga Magazin 08/1988
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