Manufacturer “Byte by Byte”
4 expansions in database
Manufacturer Byte by Byte, USA | Date 1988 | Amiga A500
| Interface side expansion port
- 64 DIP sockets for up to 2 MB RAM
- takes 256k×1, 150 ns DIPs in groups of 16
- supports 512 kB, 1 or 2 MB configurations
- autoconfig
- connects to the side expansion port, no passthrough connector
- external power supply
front side
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Manufacturer Byte by Byte, USA | Date 1987 | Amiga A1000
| Interface Zorro I
- an optional memory card for the PAL & PAL Jr expansion boxes
- eight 30 pin SIMM sockets for up to 8 MB RAM
- does not conflict with the onboard 1 MB RAM
- accepts 256 kB or 1 MB SIMMs in pairs
- supported configurations are 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4 or 8 MB
- autoconfiguring
Manufacturer Byte by Byte, USA | Date 1987 | Amiga A1000
| Interface joystick port
- a simple battery backed up clock
- time is read by a CLI command during startup
- connects to the A1000's 2nd mouse port
- its case is too wide and physically conflicts with many devices connected to the side expansion connector (for example Alegra, StarBoard)
- the battery is soldered in
- no passthrough connector