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3 expansions found
Kommos A2000 SCSI Kommos A500 SCSI Multi Eprommer
Jürgen Kommos , Germany Date
A2000, A3000, A4000Interface
Zorro II
SCSI 2 controller
place for a 3.5" hard disk on the card
the SCSI cable is soldered onto the card and there is no external SCSI connector - a T-adapter is required to add more than one SCSI device, by placing the controller in the middle of the SCSI chain
autoboot ROM (jkscsi.device)
not RDB compatible
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back side
Jürgen Kommos , Germany Date
side expansion port
SCSI 2 controller
place for a 3.5" hard disk inside the case
50 pin internal SCSI header
no external SCSI connector
autoboot ROM (jkscsi.device)
no RAM option
passthrough connector
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back side
Jürgen Kommos , Germany Date
A2000, A3000, A4000Interface
Zorro IIAutoconfig ID
3 / 1
EPROM burner
one socket for burning 24, 28 and 32 pin EPROMs
one socket for burning 40 pin EPROMs
supports any EPROMs of the 27xxx series:
2 kB, 8×2k (2716)
4 kB, 8×4k (2732)
8 kB, 8×8k (2764)
16 kB, 8×16k (27128)
32 kB, 8×32k (27256)
64 kB, 8×64k (27512)
64 kB, 8×4×16k (27513)
128 kB, 8×128k (27010, 27C1000)
128 kB, 8×8×16k (27011)
128 kB, 16×64k (27210, 27C1024)
256 kB, 8×256k (27020)
256 kB, 16×128k (27220, 27C2048)
512 kB, 8×512k (27040)
512 kB, 16×256k (27240, 27C4096)
1 MB, 8×1024k (27080)
32 kB Static RAM, 32×8k (43256)
functions: emptyness test, reading, burning, load from disk, save to disk, compare, hexdump
when selecting the EPROM type in software, one of the four LEDs is lit to indicate the correct position of the EPROM
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