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2 expansions found
Company HiSoft, UK | Date 1995 & 1996 | Amiga A600, A1200
| Interface PCMCIA
SCSI 2 controller
- Surf Squirrel (1996) has an additional RS232 serial port, Squirrel (1995) is SCSI only
- does not use DMA transfer - no CPU time when accessing SCSI devices
- may be inserted or removed without rebooting or switching off the Amiga
- no automount and autoboot capability - requires a boot disk
- 50 pin Centronics SCSI connector
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Company HiSoft, UK | Date 1996 | Amiga A600, A1200
| Interface PCMCIA
SCSI controller
- 53C96 controller IC
- up to 2.5 MB/s transfer speed (2× faster than the original Squirrel)
- no autoboot ROM - booting requires an initial floppy access for drivers at power-up
- 50 pin Centronics connector
serial interface
- 16C550 controller IC
- 57600 bps transfer rate on a basic A600
- 115200 bps on a basic A1200
- 230400 bps with accelerators
- DB9 serial port
- supported by Linux
Exterior with cable, top side
Board, back side
Board, front side