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1 expansion found

Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer
A500, A1000
side expansion port
    OMTI controller
  • the 62 pin OMTI5520 (ST412/506) controller card is installed in an external housing, together with the power supply and an 5.25" hard disk
  • this external box is attached by a cable to a small interface box which connects to the side expansion port
  • passthrough connector
  • the Amigos interface daughterboard can be upgraded with the Promigos autoboot daughterboard (1989) - autobooting requires Kickstart 1.3
  • both the external box and the interface box can be exchanged with other makes - FSE, Golem, Comspec
  • can use FSE Boil or Elaborate Bytes ALF 2 driver software
Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer Amigos / Promigos Harddisk - Interface  left side
Interface, left side
Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer Amigos / Promigos Harddisk - Interface  right side
Interface, right side
Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer Amigos / Promigos Harddisk - Interface  top side
Interface, top side
Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer Amigos / Promigos Harddisk - Interface  rear side
Interface, rear side
Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer Amigos / Promigos Harddisk - Hard disk unit front side
Hard disk unit, front side
Flesch und Hörnemann Computer / Pro-Computer Amigos / Promigos Harddisk - Hard disk unit, case opened front side
Hard disk unit, case opened, front side