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Manufacturer MacroSystem, Germany | Date 1994 | Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000
| Interface Zorro II
| Autoconfig ID 18260 / 18
non-linear editing system
- realtime JPEG compression / decompression chipset
- composite and Y/C input and output
- optional digital YUV or RGB component transcoders (50 pin feature connector)
- integrated genlock and chroma key
- 2.5 MB, 30 ns DRAM
- realtime video capture (60 fields or 30 fps for NTSC) and playback at YUV 4:2:2 square pixel quality 768×576
- integrated scaling hardware giving extended capture and replay capability with picture in picture feature
- also perfect for computer animation playback from any animation package
- motion JPEG nonlinear video edit/playback
- complete ARexx support allows digital video effects to be applied to video frames with third party image processor softwares
- no TBC, time code or dedicated hard drives are required
- fully integrated with the Toccata audio digitizing card giving simultaneous, synchronized, direct to disk CD quality audio recording
- additional adapter for direct interfacing with the Video Toaster
- MovieShop editing software
- video clips and audio are stored within special JPEG file system partitions whose maximum size is 4 GB
- cuts or sequences can be played back any time, making edits of the rough or fine cut visible at a glance
- runs directly on V-Lab Motion board minimizing CPU access time
Rev 1.2, front side
Rev 1.2, back side
Rev 1.3, front side
Rev 1.3, back side
Rev 1.3, front side
Advert (DE)
1993-12 Advert (DE)
1995-12 Advert (DE)
1996-01 Advert (DE)
1996-01 Advert (DE)
1996-02 Advert (US)
1994-09 Advert (US)
1994-11 Advert (US)
Manufacturer MacroSystem, Germany | Date 1993 | Amiga any Amiga
| Interface parallel port
realtime framegrabber
- 24 bit realtime framegrabbing
- Interleaved Frame Recording
- grabs images quickly into its own memory but transferring and displaying through the parallel port is slow
- digitized images are stored in YUVN format
- 3 MB, 30 ns DRAM
- two Composite and one S-VHS input - multiple video sources can be connected and selected by software
- TBC is not required
- VHI driver
- external power supply
PCB, front side
PCB, back side
Exterior, front side
Exterior, top side
- VLab-13.dms
install disk v1.3
vlab.library v1.0, VLab v1.3
367 kB - VLab-40.dms
install disk v4.0
vlab.library v7.3, VLab v4.0
338 kB - VLab-41.dms
install disk v4.1
vlab.library v7.3, VLab v4.1
340 kB - VLab-42.dms
install disk v4.2
vlab.library v8.2, VLab v4.2
378 kB
Advert (DE)
1992-08 Advert (DE)