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2 expansions found
Manufacturer Hardital, Italy | Date 1991 | Amiga A2000, A3000, A4000
| Interface Zorro II
| Autoconfig ID 2080 / 1
SCSI controller
- Zilog Z0538010PSC controller IC
- autoboot ROM (syndisk.device)
- RDB compatible
- 50 pin internal SCSI header
- DB25 external SCSI connector
- place for a 3.5" hard disk on the card
- sixteen ZIP sockets accept up to 8 MB RAM
- accepts 1M×4 ZIPs in groups of four
- supports 2, 4 or 8 MB configurations
front side
back side
Manufacturer Hardital, Italy | Date 1992 | Amiga A500, A500+
| Interface side expansion port
| Autoconfig ID 2080 / 1
SCSI controller
- Zilog Z0538010PSC controller IC
- autoboot ROM (syndisk.device)
- RDB compatible
- 50 pin internal SCSI header
- DB25 external SCSI connector
- place for a 3.5" hard disk inside the case
- connects to the side expansion port
- sixteen ZIP sockets accept up to 8 MB RAM
- accepts 1M×4 ZIPs in groups of four
- supports 2, 4 or 8 MB configurations
front side
bottom side
case opened, top side